Jingshan Cableway (珠海景山公园)

I have climbed my fair share of mountains before but nothing prepared me for what I would find at the top of Jingshan cableway.

A mini roller-coaster.

Well, a toboggan ride to be exact, which winds down through the side of the mountain at top speed.

Located about five minutes from the centre of Jida is Jingshan Cableway, offering these two hugely contrasted rides at a combined cost of less than 10 euros.

The toboggan run: There is netting on either side, thankfully.
The toboggan run: There is netting on either side, thankfully.

The cable ride

The cable ride to the top is very gradual but relaxing, especially with bamboo flute music playing softly from speakers overhead.

What was not so relaxing however, is that ride operators plonk huge, heavy toboggans to the back of some cable cars, like ours.

What's the worst that could happen? A heavy toboggan on the back of our cableway chair as we climb the mountain.
What’s the worst that could happen? A heavy toboggan on the back of our cableway chair as we climb the mountain.

Looking down, there is a quaint, winding river with paddle boats slowly gliding along. As well as plenty of fallen hats scattered in tree branches.

Ahead, the deep green mountains are speckled with large, beige boulders that provide a beautiful backdrop to rows of grey skyscrapers. It’s an odd contrast but somehow interestingly beautiful.

Looking back over my shoulder, there is a spectacular view of the sea, sky and even see even the famous Fisher Girl statue off to the distance.

There is also a giant rock swathed in love locks. They are a little rusty, as if they are trying to camouflage into their new environment.


Reaching the top, there are a handful of vendors trying to hack their wares or a sell a photo op with you, and a large serpent, draped around your juicy neck. Moving on..

From the top of the mountain

The view from the top is pretty spectacular on a clear day and you can see all of Jida, and as far as Macau and Wanshan Island.

There are a few viewing platforms, or as I like to call them ‘selfie hot spots’, where crowds of locals wait to have their picture taken in prime positions.

Selfie hotspot: The selfie culture here is of epic proportions.
Selfie hotspot: The selfie culture here is of epic proportions.

Honestly, there is not a great deal to do at the top of the mountain, so it would be a good idea to pack a picnic and enjoy the panorama before beginning your decent.

Take a toboggan down!

There are three ways to get down; the cableway, a shaded walk down never-ending stairs, or by shredding through the mountain on a toboggan.

You can guess what option I’m going for.

Here’s a video titled ‘Trying to film on the ride down while holding on for dear life’.

Far from a leisurely crawl down, the toboggan really reaches speed, with sharps turns jilting you all over the shop. There is barely anytime to look out at the views but that’s not the point.

Reaching the bottom, I somehow still have both my arms.

Woah, let’s do that again.

No.1 Jidahaibin North Road, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai 519000, China

Video: Jingshan Cableway
Video Credit: Intern China

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